1969 Meg poem

Christmas-time (1969)

Christmas-time (1969)

Now Christmas-time is here, a time for joy,
A time for friendship. Both we wish for you,
And thank you once again for all your help
Encouragement and guidance in our fight
To tame the clarinet. You must not think
Because we pay our debt of gratitude
But once a year, we do not realise
How much we owe you: how much suffering
Our weekly insults to the Muse must bring.
But gather consolation from the thought –
You suffer, but we suffer with you too!

Meg Rugg-Easey 1969

1969 Meg poem

Whenever I hear music

Whenever I hear music

Whenever I hear music
You are near;
Your very essence permeates the notes
Enhancing their delight.

However distant from me
Still most dear;
Whenever I hear music
You are there.

Meg Rugg-Easey

1969 Meg poem

A Conductor Named Bryce

A Conductor Named Bryce(1969)

There was once a conductor named Bryce
Who, remounting his rostrum, said ‘Twice
‘I’ve been swept off my feet –
‘But I’m still on the beat!’
That undaunted conductor named Bryce.

Meg Rugg-Easey 1969